Join Clark Wilson Estates & Trusts lawyers Amy Mortimore and Zachary Rogers as they present at the People’s Law School‘s complimentary webinar, “Dealing with a Problem Executor” on Tuesday, December 6th.
If you have an interest in an estate in British Columbia but are not the one handling things, you may have questions, such as —
> How much disclosure are you entitled to?
> How long can the process drag on?
> What if the executor isn’t competent or, worse yet, is dishonest?
Being an executor is a demanding role. But if you depend on an executor to deal with an estate, you may find yourself frustrated and not knowing where to go for help.
If this sounds familiar, you won’t want to miss this free interactive and informative overview of the role and responsibilities of executors in BC.
This fast-paced, interactive webinar will include ample time to address questions from the audience throughout the presentation.
Registration Information
Date: Tuesday, December 6th, 2022, from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Pacific Time
Location: virtual session – Zoom webinar