Do Not Rely on the Court to Validate a Deficient Will
The list of reasons to make a will is extensive and you have likely heard them before. Why let the government dictate who your money ... Continued
Our expertise helps our clients understand how the law affects their business
The list of reasons to make a will is extensive and you have likely heard them before. Why let the government dictate who your money ... Continued
Note: Since the date of this article, the Supreme Court of Canada has released its decision. You can find our latest update here Today, the ... Continued
Author: Zachary Murphy-Rogers In British Columbia, the Wills, Estates and Succession Act (WESA) sets out a mandatory distribution scheme for estates when an individual dies ... Continued
There are several reasons to make a Will: formalizing how your estate will be distributed, determining who will administer your estate, deciding who will take ... Continued
Further to our previous article of September 16, 2020, the Province of BC approved Order in Council No. 549 on September 20, 2020 which brings ... Continued
Clark Wilson is happy to support Access Pro Bono’s 2020 Pro Bono Going Public event. Nine of Clark Wilson’s lawyers provided pro-bono summary legal advice, ... Continued
The Supreme Court of Canada recently clarified the law on retroactive child support orders under the Family Law Act, SBC 2011, c 25 (the “FLA”). ... Continued
Further to our previous article of September 16, 2020, the Province of BC approved Order in Council No. 549 on September 20, 2020 which brings ... Continued
The recent decision of Honourable Justice Willcock in Quinton v Kehler, 2020 BCCA 254 [“Quinton”] clarifies the method of determining the available income of incorporated ... Continued
Clark Wilson is delighted to announce Mark Weintraub, QC and Amy Mortimore, Co-Chairs of our Estates & Trusts Practice Group, together with Group members, have ... Continued
When working with their clients, accountants and other financial services professionals are often uniquely positioned to spot potential business disputes before they erupt and can ... Continued
In an effort to increase disclosure of the ownership of real estate in B.C., the Land Owner Transparency Act (“LOTA”) received royal assent and will ... Continued