Bodum: Appeal Court Affirms Trademark Distinctiveness Analysis
FCA affirmed the Federal Court’s trade-mark distinctiveness analysis in Bodum v. Meyer case
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FCA affirmed the Federal Court’s trade-mark distinctiveness analysis in Bodum v. Meyer case
As reported in the December 2010 and October 2011 editions of Knowledge Bytes, the patentability of computer-implemented inventions continues to be uncertain in Canada, as ... Continued
Federal Court dismissed an appeal of the Trade-mark Opposition Board’s refusal to register the mark ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE IS OUR HERITAGE
Federal Court held a professional designation could function as a certification mark, though not on facts at hand
Trade-marks Opposition Board maintained registration for YEAR-IN-A-BOX mark; issue was whether the registrant had demonstrated suficient control over the entity selling the calendars in Canada
Federal Court judicially reviewed Registrar of Trade-marks’ decision to expunge marks; considered the test for what is a “public authority” in order to obtain official marks
Canada’s anti-spam legislation was introduced in 2010, but its commencement date has been delayed while the Regulations under the Act are being finalized. The official ... Continued
Federal Court considered what constitutes use and advertising in Canada where a trade-mark appears on a computer screen website in Canada, regardless of where the information may have originated from or be stored
On behalf of the Canadian Trademark Blog team, please accept our warmest wishes for a happy and prosperous new year. We plan to do our ... Continued
Federal Court handed Bodum another loss in ongoing fight to enforce trade-mark and other rights in Canada regarding mark FRENCH PRESS
Federal Court reversed TMOB decision, held KELLY ENGINEERING RESOURCES trade-mark application was not registrable
Clark Wilson LLP is pleased to announce that Jeff Morton has joined our Technology and Intellectual Property Practice Groups, bolstering our ability to service clients ... Continued