Business Succession Update
Articles for this newsletter cover topics related to business succession. This newsletter is valuable to anyone looking to buy and/or sell a company. The articles ... Continued
Our expertise helps our clients understand how the law affects their business
Articles for this newsletter cover topics related to business succession. This newsletter is valuable to anyone looking to buy and/or sell a company. The articles ... Continued
On January 28, 2016, Don Sihota is hosting a seminar on how to buy or sell a business. The seminar will help attendees learn to ... Continued
Discusses the three critical elements of a staged buy-out process
Discusses a recent case where the Supreme Court interpreteted a promissoryu note in respect of a shareholder loan
The amendments made to PIPEDA, including an exemption for obtaining consent to disclose personal information in the context of a business transaction
Discusses the employee liabilities involved in business transactions and s. 97 of the ESA
On June 4, Don Sihota hosted a succession planning session for business owners. Register for the next seminar.
The budget proposed changes to extend capital gains tax exemptions where the proceeds from the sale of private company shares and real estate are donated to charity
Lexpert article quoted a statistic that by September 30, 2014, investors had disclosed transactions to a value of more than twice that of the entirety of 2013.
The review thresholds for acquisitions by WTO investors will change to consider enterprise value with the potential for more investments by WTO investors being scrutinized under the ICA
Discusses the first substantive article of the purchase and sale agreement – definitions and other interpretation-related provisions.
Discusses what is necessary for a standstill agreement to be valid and enforceable