Michael Jackson’s Concert Promoter Found Not Negligent in Hiring Doctor
Jackson’s family unsuccessful in a case similar to those under the Family Compensation Act in BC
Our expertise helps our clients understand how the law affects their business
Jackson’s family unsuccessful in a case similar to those under the Family Compensation Act in BC
Neil Melliship was quoted in Uses and abuses of trademarks online, a recent Canadian Lawyer article examining how the parameters that define trademark registration and ... Continued
Supreme Court of Canada Clarifies Ontario Procedure for Withdrawing Life Support
Marc Nadon Appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC)
Counterfeiting activity has long been an issue of concern for Canadian owners of intellectual property rights (“IPR”). While recent progress has been made both by ... Continued
One of the unfortunate realities of marriage breakdown is that the spouses often do not promptly update their estate plans to reflect the dramatic changes ... Continued
Clark Wilson partner Jeffrey Vicq was recently quoted in a Postmedia News piece, “Royal Canadian Legion tells Reddit to remove poppy symbol over trademark concerns.” The ... Continued
Canadian government introduced Bill C-8: An Act to Amend the Copyright Act and the Trade-marks Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, aka the Combating Counterfeit Products Act
FCA affirmed the Federal Court’s trade-mark distinctiveness analysis in Bodum v. Meyer case
Discussion on the rights and obligations of committees
The propsect of unprecedented growth in British Columbia’s energy and natural resources sector.
Seva Batkin was recently featured in Techvibes answering the question What Should Tech Companies Consider When Patent Trolls Come Calling? His article examined the impact ... Continued