Appellate Review and Special Costs in Committeeship Proceedings
By: Polly Storey and Vivian Thieu In British Columbia, the Patients Property Act, RSBC 1996, c. 349 (the “Act”), allows the Supreme Court of British ... Continued
Our expertise helps our clients understand how the law affects their business
By: Polly Storey and Vivian Thieu In British Columbia, the Patients Property Act, RSBC 1996, c. 349 (the “Act”), allows the Supreme Court of British ... Continued
Please join us in congratulating Estates & Trusts partner and co-chair of the Estates & Trusts Opinions and Appeals group Polly Storey on her appointment ... Continued
Clark Wilson’s Estates & Trusts partner and co-chair of the Estates & Trusts Opinion and Appeals group Polly Storey’s paper, “Beneficiary’s Access to Trust Documents” ... Continued
Please join us in congratulating Estates & Trusts, Elder Law, and Estates & Trusts Opinions and Appeals partner Polly Storey on her appointment to the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia’s ... Continued
We’re pleased to announce the appointment of five new Clark Wilson Partners Bo Carter, Catherine Repel, Dani Marshall, Jeannette Aucoin, and Polly Storey. Bo Carter ... Continued
By Polly Storey The Court of Appeal for British Columbia recently had an opportunity to consider, and resolve, a question that has been the source ... Continued
By Polly Storey and Adrienne Adams In British Columbia, will-makers are required to make “adequate, just and equitable” provision from their estates for their surviving ... Continued
By Polly Storey and Cameron Fox Parties to wills variation proceedings have, for some years, faced uncertainty regarding the financial disclosure they may be required ... Continued
By Polly Storey Ordering an adult to submit to an assessment of their mental capacity, without their consent, is an extreme measure. In 2012, however, ... Continued
By Polly Storey In a recent decision of the BC Supreme Court, Justice Iyer has provided guidance regarding how capacity to consent to support and ... Continued
Clark Wilson’s Estates & Trusts lawyers Mark Weintraub, K.C. and Polly Storey‘s follow-up article, “Conscious of the Good Conscience Trust: Further Thoughts on the Constructive ... Continued
By Polly Storey In a recent decision of the Court of Appeal, Justice Goepel has further refined the law of special costs. In AM Gold ... Continued