Congratulations to Clark Wilson’s Newest Partners!

Firm News
Clark Wilson welcomes six new partners to the firm: Aaron Pearl, TEP, Andrew Stewart, Maris Holmes, Sean Tessarolo, and Zachary Murphy-Rogers

We’re pleased to announce the appointment of five new Clark Wilson Partners Aaron Pearl, TEP, Andrew Stewart, Maris Holmes, Sean Tessarolo, and Zachary Murphy-Rogers.

Aaron Pearl, TEP
Estates & Trusts | Elder Law

Appreciating that estates litigation can be highly emotional and all-consuming for all parties involved, Aaron is a strong advocate for our clients during these challenging times, guiding them through the difficult steps of their legal files with an empathetic approach. Aaron demystifies the complexities of the legal system and brings a straightforward approach so clients can thoroughly understand the big picture underlying their legal issues.

Andrew Stewart
Capital Markets, Securities, Mergers & Acquisitions

Andrew provides pragmatic and experienced legal advice founded upon a strong understanding of corporate objectives and knowledge of the law. He delivers effective and efficient solutions to his clients who rely on his diverse background in both law and business. Whether it’s advising on corporate investment structures or how to mitigate securities law risks, Andrew’s expertise helps businesses achieve success.

Maris Holmes
Strata Property

Maris works to alleviate our Strata clients’ immediate concerns while ensuring these solutions will also proactively address potential issues in the future. Her pleasant and approachable demeanour allows her to gather all the critical information to find the fully-considered solution that assists all parties in the short- and long-term. She enjoys working collaboratively with our clients in order to uncover the answers that bring these communities together.

Sean Tessarolo
Insurance | Fraud & Asset Recovery | Business Litigation

Individuals and businesses approach litigation with different outcomes in mind. Sean provides his business and insurance clients with practical and considered advice tailored to advance their specific objectives. He has represented clients in matters before the Provincial and Supreme Courts of British Columbia, the British Columbia Court of Appeal, Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal. In the courtroom, clients value his confidence and zealous advocacy.

Zachary Murphy-Rogers
Estates & Trusts | Elder Law

Zachary recognizes that his clients want practical, cost-effective advice and solutions tailored to their needs, and is committed to finding creative and appropriate solutions to resolve legal disputes. Maintaining both a litigation and solicitor’s practice, Zachary’s robust litigation experience before various Courts of British Columbia means he can anticipate and protect clients from potential legal pitfalls in their estate planning and estate administration projects.

Their hard work and results in their respective practice areas continue to help our growing firm reach new heights. Please join us in congratulating Aaron, Andrew, Maris, Sean and Zachary on this latest achievement. We look forward to years of working together to serve our clients!