Aaron Pearl Published in Leave a Legacy’s Fall 2019 Newspaper Supplement
Sometimes a gift to a charity provided through a will becomes impossible to fulfill because the charity no longer exists after the will-maker’s death. Enter: ... Continued
Our expertise helps our clients understand how the law affects their business
Sometimes a gift to a charity provided through a will becomes impossible to fulfill because the charity no longer exists after the will-maker’s death. Enter: ... Continued
Summary of impacts on charities in the 2016 federal budget including changes to GST/HST rules.
Changes provide flexibility so that charitable donation tax credits can be used by the deceased or the deceased’s estate.
The rule that charitable trusts must spent a minimum amount annually on charitable activities can be problematic
$21.4 million gift to BC Cancer Foundation made from a legacy fund
Proposed changes to the Society Act.
Teaching the value of money through philanthropy