Court Upholds Effective Disinheritence
Court finds deceased had valid and rational reasons for leaving her son only a small amount
Our expertise helps our clients understand how the law affects their business
Court finds deceased had valid and rational reasons for leaving her son only a small amount
Appellate courts not required to defer to trial judge except on oral testimony in wills variation cases
Detroying true copy does not revoke will when original known to be safe elsewhere.
Conditional donation found to be valid inter vivos gift.
Recent BCSC case indicates estrangement does not necessarily negate the will-maker’s moral obligations to a spouse or children
New provisions in WESA on curing deficiencies in a will are similar to those in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
WESA provides that the old legislation will often apply if the deceased died prior to WESA
Baby boomers will pass on unprecedented amounts of wealth, but the next generation should not rely on inheritances.
WESA will require executors to wait a mandatory period before distributing estate assets
The PGT’s mandate includes protecting minors, disabled adults and estates of deceased persons
BCSC provides guidance for when relationships between trustees and beneficiaries have broken down