Committeeship Applications: the Uragi Case
A growing area in estate litigation is committeeship applications. A committee is a person or institution who is appointed to make personal, medical, legal and/or ... Continued
Our expertise helps our clients understand how the law affects their business
A growing area in estate litigation is committeeship applications. A committee is a person or institution who is appointed to make personal, medical, legal and/or ... Continued
Federal government introduces bill to legalize medical assistance in dying.
Alberta court grants first application for physician assisted death.
Legislative committee publishes recommendations for framework of a federal response to physician-assisted dying.
Ocerview of the Carter decision with a link to an article that explores reactions of the medical community.
Court refuses to order specific visitation rights under its parens patriae jurisdiction.
BCCA upholds ruling that legislature did not intend to allow previously expressed wishes to be relied on to refuse basic personal care necessary to preserve life.
BC government publishes a comprehensive guide to help start your advance health care plan.
Recent case illustrates the challenges that can arise when more than one person is appointed.
Amendments will affect appointments of the PGT and the ways adults may challenge their certification
New provision of the Patients Property Act requires committees to foster the independence of patients
The Carter case is gaining attention as suicide rates among the elderly rise