BC Minimum Wage Increases Effective November 1st


A summary of the latest BC minimum wage increases, effective November 1, 2011, are as follows:

  • the general minimum wage went from $8.75 to $9.50 per hour,
  • liquor servers minimum wage went from $8.50 to $8.75 per hour,
  • resident caretakers (9 to 60 suites) wages went from $525 to $570 per month plus $22.85 per suite (previously $21.05 per suite),
  • resident caretakers (61 + suites) wages went from $1,788.28 to $1,941.56 per month, and
  • live-in home support workers wages went from $87.50 to $95 per day or part day worked.

Also, piece rates for hand harvesting certain crops will also be adjusted by the same percentage that the general minimum wage increased from May 1, 2011 to November 1, 2011. For more information on these minimum wage requirements, go to the Employment Standards Branch website http://www.labour.gov.bc.ca/esb/announcements/min_wage.htm.

The next round of minimum wage increases will take effect on May 1, 2012.